Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for EasyAppsStudios Applications

This privacy policy explains the nature, purpose and scope of the collection and processing of personal data for the EasyAppsStudios applications on Google Play applications available under the following link:


Please note that our applications are not government applications, are not affiliated with any government agency, and we do not work or market for any government agency.

All information, content, and data contained within our applications were found from the Internet, and based on user experiences, they were carefully collected and examined, and we do not cooperate with any government agency directly in obtaining information and content.

Therefore, you must review everything from the relevant sources and government agencies.

We disclaim any responsibility if you do not do so.

Personal Information

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you. In other words, we do not collect information such as your name, address, phone number or email address.

We do not use or collect your precise geographic location.

Anonymous usage information

Our apps may collect anonymous usage information to help improve the quality of our services and applications. We use Google Analytics for Firebase which may gather information like device type, session length, and interactions with various user interface elements. The analytics data collected is anonymous.

Google Analytics for Firebase is an analytics service provided by Google Inc.

In order to understand Google's use of Data, consult Google's partner policy.


Our apps may use advertising to provide services free of charge. These advertisements are provided by third-party partners. We do not control which specific ads are shown in our apps (this is controlled by our ad partners), however, we do blacklist certain categories of ads. When you use the apps with advertising your device automatically sends certain information to our advertising partners. This information includes, for example, name of the app, device type, and advertising ID. The information gathered is used to provide our advertising partners with the bare minimum of information they need to provide their services. We are working with the following advertising partners:

Firebase Hosting

Our apps use content from and link to websites hosted with Firebase Hosting, a service provided by Google LLC (“Google”). Hereby user data is send to the Firebase Hosting servers including IP addresses and user agent information. Firebase Hosting uses IP addresses of incoming requests to detect abuse and provide us with detailed analysis of usage data. The IP addresses are temporarily stored by Firebase hosting for several months. For more information see

Google AdMob

We use Google AdMob and show personalized ads within our barcode scanner apps to finance our development where apps are provided free of charge. Google AdMob stores user data including IP address and other personal data which can be used to identify the user’s browser for the purpose of billing advertisers for ad clicks and detecting fraudulent clicks. The IP address will be anonymized after 9 months. For more information about Google AdMob and how to opt-out of personalized ads see

Google Analytics for Firebase

We use Google Analytics for Firebase to learn more about how our users interact with our apps. This helps us to improve our apps in areas where they are most relevant to our users. Anonymous data about how users behave is automatically sent to Google Analytics for Firebase servers. Such data includes Mobile ad IDs, IDFVs/Android IDs, Instance IDs, Analytics App Instance IDs and the type (EAN, UPC, QR, ..) of scanned barcodes. For more information see Data collection. Sent data DOES NOT include the content of the scanned barcode or any other personal information such as name, email address or phone number. The ID-associated data will be stored for 60 days. Aggregated reporting and campaign data will be stored for up to 14 months. The collection of data can be deactivated in the settings of our barcode scanner apps by unchecking “Usage statistics”.

Firebase Remote Config

We use individual app configurations for our users with the aid of Firebase Remote Config, for example to show country-specific website links. Firebase Remote Config uses Instance IDs to select configuration values to return to end-user devices. These Instance IDs will be stored up to 180 days.

Firebase Crashlytics

We use "Crashlytics" from Google. Crashlytics identifies software errors and their causes. Crashlytics collects the following data: device state information, device type, device ID and stores it anonymously for up to 3 years. The purpose of the data collection is the identification of software errors and their causes. For more information about the Crashlytics privacy notices see

E-Mail Contact

Users may send us an email either directly or using forms within the apps. Personal data transmitted by email will be stored. In this context, data will not be disclosed with third parties. The data is used exclusively for processing the conversation. The data will be deleted, if the purpose of its collection has been fulfilled. This is the case when the conversion with the user has come to an end or it can be seen from the conversation that the subject has been clarified.


This privacy policy was last updated on 2,1, 2024. Our privacy policy may change from time to time. We recommend that you check the privacy policy frequently so that you are informed of any changes.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policily, please contact us at